Collection: Functional Medicine Tests
Urine elements profile - by Genova
Comprehensive assessment of urinary elements for nutritional and toxic exposure insights.
Hair Heavy Metals - by Mosaic Diagnostics
Assess heavy metal exposure through hair analysis for long-term toxicity insights.
Glyphosate Test Your Home Water Supply - by Mosaic Diagnostics
Evaluate glyphosate levels in your water supply to assess safety and health risks.
Glyphosate Test - by Mosaic Diagnostics
Assess glyphosate levels in urine to evaluate personal exposure and health risks.
Total Mycotoxin Panel | RealTime Labs
Assess exposure to 16 mycotoxins from mold to evaluate health impacts.
Urine Toxic Metals | Doctor's Data
Comprehensive assessment of urinary toxic metals for health insights.
Environmental Hepatic Detox Profile from Doctors Data
Gain valuable insights into your body’s detoxification processes with this comprehensive test. By measuring urinary D-glucaric acid and mercapturic acids, this non-invasive test evaluates your exposure to over 200 chemicals and assesses liver function. Perfect for understanding your body's ability to eliminate toxins, it requires only a single first morning urine sample for analysis.