Collection: Functional Medicine Tests

  • Urine elements profile - by Genova

    Comprehensive assessment of urinary elements for nutritional and toxic exposure insights.


  • Hair Heavy Metals - by Mosaic Diagnostics

    Assess heavy metal exposure through hair analysis for long-term toxicity insights.


  • Glyphosate Test Your Home Water Supply - by Mosaic Diagnostics

    Evaluate glyphosate levels in your water supply to assess safety and health risks.


  • Glyphosate Test - by Mosaic Diagnostics

    Assess glyphosate levels in urine to evaluate personal exposure and health risks.


  • Total Mycotoxin Panel | RealTime Labs

    Assess exposure to 16 mycotoxins from mold to evaluate health impacts.


  • Urine Toxic Metals | Doctor's Data

    Comprehensive assessment of urinary toxic metals for health insights.


  • $1,699.00


  • Environmental Hepatic Detox Profile from Doctors Data

    Gain valuable insights into your body’s detoxification processes with this comprehensive test. By measuring urinary D-glucaric acid and mercapturic acids, this non-invasive test evaluates your exposure to over 200 chemicals and assesses liver function. Perfect for understanding your body's ability to eliminate toxins, it requires only a single first morning urine sample for analysis.
