
Testosterone and Prostate Health

Original price was: $169.00.

Lack of testosterone can cause loss of libido, loss of skeletal muscle, accumulation of belly fat, fatigue, irritability and mood disturbance, physical energy and physical endurance problems among others. This panel will accurately measure your bioavailable testosterone and will also measure estradiol which can be created in excess by belly fat. A total PSA level will be checked and if elevated, the PSA will be fractionated to better assess risk of prostate cancer.


Tested biomarkers include:

  • Testosterone
    free testosterone
    bioavailable testosterone
    sex hormone binding globulin
  • Estradiol
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
  • Complete Blood Count – White Blood Cell Count – Red Blood Cell Count – Hemoglobin – Hematocrit – MCV – MCH – MCHC – RDW – Platelet Count – MPV – Neutrophils – Lymphocytes – Monocytes – Eosinophils – Basophils

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