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  • D Wilson Custom
  • Dr. Wilson Reverse T3
    Reverse T3 ...
  • Dr. Wilson New Patient Panel
    CBC Ferritin CMP Fasting lipid panel TSH Free T3 Free T4 Vitamin D Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies hs-CRP Hemoglobin A1c ...
  • Dr. Wilson Follow-Up Panel
    TSH free T3 free T4 thyroid peroxidase antibodies hs-CRP CMP ferritin Fasting lipid panel CBC ...
  • Blog,{-webkit-transition:all .4s linear; -moz-transition:all .4s linear; -o-transition:all .4s linear; -ms-transition:all .4s linear; transition:all .4s linear}.eg-jimmy-carter-element-11 i:before{margin-left:0px;...
  • As I’m healing my thyroid, what labs should I monitor?
    Do you have a good team to support your thyroid?  If you know that you have thyroid dysfunction, it is important to address the “teammates” that tend to go along with thyroid problems.  These teammates are needed for both thyroid hormone production and utilization.  Just because you’re taki...
  • What are the best tests for thyroid function and why?
    Jane was having difficulty maintaining her energy throughout the day.  She attributed it to poor sleep and more stress with her work, but she was also experiencing changes in her hair, increased anxiety, and she was putting on weight.  She set up an appointment wit her family practitioner, who che...
  • How to advocate for myself with online blood testing
    No one likes to be told what to do, but unfortunately many doctors and health care practitioners don’t realize that that is exactly what is happening on a daily basis – insurance coverage and medical algorithms often determine the tests that a health care provider will order. You can request...
  • Is prediabetes bad?
    The term prediabetes was coined in 1997 by the Expert Committee on Diagnoses and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus, but most health care practitioners don’t address any lab abnormality that falls within this definition.  It is more common to wait until it becomes diabetes, then give multiple me...
  • How to quickly screen for diabetic risk – what tests are important for diabetics?
    If you watch TV, you’re likely to see commercials about prescription medications for diabetes.  These advertisements depict a scene that many want – happy, healthy, and functional.  If you close your eyes and listen to the commercials, you’ll find that a significant amount of information...
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