Speciality Test - 2 Hour Glucose Tolerance Test
Speciality Test - 2 Hour Glucose Tolerance Test
The Insulin Response to Glucose test evaluates how your body responds to glucose intake by measuring insulin levels at two different times. This test helps assess insulin sensitivity and can identify potential insulin resistance or diabetes risk. Understanding your insulin response is vital for developing a tailored approach to managing your metabolic health. This test is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing symptoms related to blood sugar fluctuations or those with a family history of diabetes.
Reasons to Check It:
Reasons to Check It:
"Ever wonder how your pancreas is responding to a sugar load. This test provides detailed information. Before you are given a 75 gram dose of sugar, your fasting insulin and fasting glucose are measured. After the sugar load, the insulin and glucose are measured at one and two hours respectively. The information is used to evaluate impaired glucose tolerance." - Dr. Alan Hopkins